Monday, March 30, 2020

Using the Right Chemistry For Decanting Your Wine

Using the Right Chemistry For Decanting Your WineWhen people hear the term decanting, they think about wines that have been chill filtered. The term is meant to reflect the process of extracting wine from a cork and then storing it in a way that allows it to retain its full flavor and aroma. The science behind this process is nothing short of complex, but there are many types of wine that can be decanted.Wine is only one type of drink that can be decanted. Many different types of foods can be stored and then served at room temperature, as well as many foods that cannot. These include vegetables, jams, jellies, fruit, mushrooms, stock, and various other spices.When food or other liquids are cooled below their normal temperature, this can result in a loss of flavor and aroma. When you are trying to preserve a dish, the best thing to do is to allow it to stay cold until you decide to chill it. When you want to store it, you should allow it to become warmer than its normal temperature.Yo u may not think of this as a science class, but it really is. You will learn how to create the right vacuum conditions for decanting. Once you know how to manipulate these conditions, you will be able to do just about anything with your decanted wine, and even with other types of liquids.A good method for carbon dioxide storage is that you bottle it in a pressurized container, such as a gas dispenser. If you have a pressurized container, you will use a small amount of CO2 and a small amount of air to force the wine out of the bottle without making a mess. When this is done properly, you will be able to preserve almost any type of liquid, though it is best to be sure that it is corked tightly.Storage is essential for any wine that is going to be used in an event. Many types of wines need to be refrigerated if they are going to be stored properly. The best way to get this done is to use a fridge that has a two-inch air space between the inner wall and the upper casing of the container .The process of decanting can be very exciting, but it is also one of the most complicated parts of the wine making process. As long as you know how to correctly decant wine, you will be able to enjoy every drop of your wine. You can use this knowledge to create new wine or to simply enjoy wines that you already have on hand.Champagne, wine, sherry, and other types of drink can all be preserved by using the correct decanting method. You do not have to make it too difficult, though. All you need to know is how to manipulate the right conditions to make your wine last longer and more delicious. There is no reason to not let your mouth do the decanting for you!

Friday, March 6, 2020

Common Core and School Math

Common Core and School Math Common Core and School Math The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to ensure that students will be college- and career-ready in their skills and knowledge by the end of high school. A secondary purpose is to have consistent criteria of grade-level expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics across states. In the 2015-2016 school year, 42 states are officially utilizing the Common Core standards in math, but this is expected to decrease as some states have repealed the standards. The shared learning goals do not constitute a national curriculum. They are a list of the skills students need to know by the end of specific grade levels from K-12. The standards do not explain how content should be taught nor do they recommend what materials to use. Each state and/or school district decides what school curriculum and sequence of skills to develop in order to comply with the state standards. Because schools use different curriculums, how concepts are taught may vary widely in neighboring school districts. The Common Core standards for math were designed using the following guidelines. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, it aims for teachers to narrow and deepen their math focus. The key domains, algebra and geometry, are introduced as early as kindergarten and are featured throughout the grades. Other important domains are measurement, numbers, operations, functions, statistics, probability, and modeling. These standards are intended to be cohesive by connecting topics from year to year. The standards aim to rigorously teach with equal weight: conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application of mathematical ways of thinking. To achieve these aims, word problems are embedded throughout the school grades, and children are expected to explain why their answers are correct. Children learn a variety of ways to solve a problem, and calculator usage is widespread. Some critics say schools have lost sight of the Common Core aims to develop procedural skills and fluency as calculation ability is no longer emphasized in the classroom. You might also be interested in: Common Core and School English Language Arts Booklist to Celebrate Chinese Culture How is Kumon Different from School Math? These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon Common Core and School Math Common Core and School Math The goal of the Common Core State Standards is to ensure that students will be college- and career-ready in their skills and knowledge by the end of high school. A secondary purpose is to have consistent criteria of grade-level expectations in English Language Arts and Mathematics across states. In the 2015-2016 school year, 42 states are officially utilizing the Common Core standards in math, but this is expected to decrease as some states have repealed the standards. The shared learning goals do not constitute a national curriculum. They are a list of the skills students need to know by the end of specific grade levels from K-12. The standards do not explain how content should be taught nor do they recommend what materials to use. Each state and/or school district decides what school curriculum and sequence of skills to develop in order to comply with the state standards. Because schools use different curriculums, how concepts are taught may vary widely in neighboring school districts. The Common Core standards for math were designed using the following guidelines. Rather than racing to cover many topics in a mile-wide, inch-deep curriculum, it aims for teachers to narrow and deepen their math focus. The key domains, algebra and geometry, are introduced as early as kindergarten and are featured throughout the grades. Other important domains are measurement, numbers, operations, functions, statistics, probability, and modeling. These standards are intended to be cohesive by connecting topics from year to year. The standards aim to rigorously teach with equal weight: conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application of mathematical ways of thinking. To achieve these aims, word problems are embedded throughout the school grades, and children are expected to explain why their answers are correct. Children learn a variety of ways to solve a problem, and calculator usage is widespread. Some critics say schools have lost sight of the Common Core aims to develop procedural skills and fluency as calculation ability is no longer emphasized in the classroom. You might also be interested in: Common Core and School English Language Arts Booklist to Celebrate Chinese Culture How is Kumon Different from School Math? These Siblings Share a Common Bond Through Kumon

4 Common Questions Students Have About Renters Insurance

4 Common Questions Students Have About Renters Insurance Image via: What is renters insurance? Let’s start with the basics here. What the heck is renters insurance? While tuition insurance protects tuition and flood insurance protects flood damage, renters insurance protects your possessions in the event of theft, loss, or other forms of damage. Renters insurance can be broken into three different categories: personal property coverage, liability coverage, and additional living expenses coverage. Personal property coverage may help you cover the cost of replacing stolen, damaged, or lost items. For instance, if a house fire should destroy your home, the personal property coverage aspect of renters insurance will protect your lost items and allow you to replace them for a reduced cost, or no cost at all. Liability coverage has your back when someone is injured inside of your home. Picture this: your friend stumbles and trips over your coffee table, severely injuring themselves. Liability coverage is there to cover the medical expenses and/or protect you from being sued. Finally, additional living expenses coverage covers you when your place of residence is no longer fit to live in. For instance, if your apartment building burned down, the additional living expenses coverage aspect of renters insurance would cover the lodging bills and living expenses that would not normally exist if you were living in your home. Tl;dr: Renters insurance has your back when other insurances do not. What does renters insurance cover? Renters insurance technically can cover anything and everything. It covers your personal belongings that are at risk for being damaged, stolen, or lost. Remember your stolen bicycle? Renters insurance has your back. Remember the objects that were stolen from your home? Renters insurance has your back. Remember your torched home? Renters insurance has your back. As long as you have renters insurance on your important items, you will have nothing to fear should something go wrong. Image via: How much will renters insurance cost me? While the price tag may always seem like a deal breaker, renters insurance is cheaper than you may think! Insuring your items typically costs about $188 per year, which is a little over $15 a month (that’s the equivalent of a dinner out and about on the town!). If you are still doubtful, think of it this way: you would almost definitely have to pay more to replace your things without insurance. For the cost of around $15 per month, you could have the peace of mind that if something should happen to your belongings, your home, or someone in your home you will not be faced with an egregious amount of financial charges. What could have cost thousands of dollars to repair or replace may only cost you something as large as $100. If you ask me, that is a fair deal indeed. Do I really need renters insurance? Well, do you ever really need an umbrella or sneakers? No. You can get by without them, but certain aspects of life become a lot simpler with them in your possession. The same goes for renters insurance. You never really need to be prepared, but it helps. In a world where crime and accidents run amok, there is never  such a thing as being too careful. Renters insurance is simply an affordable, accessible, and beyond helpful tool at your disposal. While you do not necessarily need renters insurance, you need to be safe; safety and peace of mind is what renters insurance has to offer you.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organical Chemistry Tutor

Organical Chemistry TutorIf you are a chemistry student who wishes to learn inorganic chemistry with its usual units of measurement, but would like to use the innovative methodology of the organic chemistry tutor then you need to keep in mind that this is a whole new way of measuring properties of things. Although units of measurement are still used, you will still be doing the science in your own way. The syllabus as well as the way of teaching can still be the same, but the way of understanding it can be totally different. I am sure you will find out that even after being exposed to the new approach you will still need a considerable amount of time to assimilate it all and come up with good synthesis with the help of the organic chemistry tutor.As the organic chemistry tutor teach the course from a completely different angle, the syllabus is not always the same. Since the physics and chemistry have become completely different sciences, so you cannot follow the methods which have be en followed till now. However, this is a fast-changing world and for that reason most of the students will pick up on different methods. Because of the swift change in the chemical sciences and their pace of development, many students would rather concentrate on one field than the other.When you get the organic chemistry tutor, he will support you in the learning process and he will teach you in the right manner. To get the best of the time, you should learn more about the textbook and the particular area of chemistry in general, before approaching the tutor.The organic chemistry tutor will guide you step by step and he will help you do the important part of getting the syllabus that matches your science background. So, instead of starting the course off with a book that is right from the start, you will just need to remember how to cope with the integral ideas of the book. While the traditional book would not help you learn what you need to learn, the organic chemistry tutor will h elp you learn all the parts of the book including the integral aspects.For example, you would require knowing a little about electrochemistry, metal alloys, and organic solvents as all the science parts you are required to know. The organic chemistry tutor will teach you in a manner that you can easily absorb all the parts. To help you in this task, he would explain all the important aspects and help you understand the new aspects.He will guide you in the fundamental parts of the organic chemistry and also give you the crucial key for you to learn the new techniques for you. Once you are fully trained, you can move on to the next level of organic chemistry.The organic chemistry tutor teaches you in the right way and guides you through all the phases of the subject. Inorganic chemistry is always a difficult subject and it requires the concentration and attention of the student to do the right work. The organic chemistry tutor helps in this and he will make your work easier.

What Is the Legal Issues Related to Tutoring?

What Is the Legal Issues Related to Tutoring?As a professional tutor, what are the legal issues related to tutoring? The field of tutoring is a booming business and there are many people who would like to be in the tutoring business for the sake of earning some extra money. However, all these actions can have bad effects on your life especially if you do not know what you are doing.To avoid any such pitfalls, it is very important to know the details of the legal issues related to tutoring. It is also a good idea to protect yourself from any unnecessary harassment by the people you have taken the tutoring job from. As a good student, you will not mind at all if the tutors you got from have wronged you as well.To keep yourself safe from the legal issues, all you need to do is hire a tutor for his or her services. You must have some basic knowledge about tutoring as they can help you to a great extent. They can guide you about the various legal aspects of tutoring. If you really want to find a good tutor, you can try calling some tutors or asking around if you find anyone who is willing to give a free trial teaching.When you choose a tutor, you need to make sure that he or she is reliable and highly experienced. You can find them through word of mouth or online as these two ways are much safer than calling the school and finding out who will be there to teach you. If you choose a tutor who is new to the field, you may be wasting your time and money. As a newbie, he or she may not be able to give you all the required information about the law of tutoring.Another way to find a tutor is to go to an office where they offer tutoring as their main business. However, there are some times when the teachers of the school you had taken the interview with are not interested in continuing their services. So, you should go ahead and make your choice wisely. Remember, you are doing this in order to earn some extra money.Do not worry, if you are searching for a lawyer or a psych ologist who can help you find the answers to the legal issues related to tutoring. However, the legal issues related to tutoring are usually best dealt with the help of a lawyer. That is why it is very important that you do not choose a tutor without knowing any of the legal issues related to tutoring. There are many individuals who are able to do this job.However, if you have no chance of finding one, you can always research the legal issues related to tutoring. All you need to do is to look for a legitimate website that will answer all your queries about tutoring. Remember, your safety is the most important thing. Never agree to a tutoring session if you do not trust your tutor enough.

5 Tips to be successful at online training - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / 5 Tips to be successful at online training - Introvert Whisperer 5 Tips to be successful at online training Ugh, Another online training, You have said it thousand times and you are going to say it every time you hear about new online training your company is forcing you to do. Nobody likes to do them but the fact is that you have to do them. Online training has replaced traditional instructor-led trainings where you had to spend time in a classroom with an instructor to learn new skills. They are cost efficient since they are hosted on a learning management system which can be accessed from any place at anytime by employees. But at the end of the day, no one really likes to do computer based trainings. So to keep you motivated, we gathered some essential tips that you can use.   It’s planned for your success: Companies spend time and money with their human resource departments to create online content for your trainings. These trainings are directly related to your job responsibilities and once you become certified, you are better informed about how different processes work within your company. Consider an online course about basic rules and regulations of a company you are joining. In this online course, you will learn what you need to wear every day, how to work with a new tool or learning the safety guidelines that are necessary for any work environment. So that’s your motivation. Doing these courses will help be at par with your colleagues who also have done the same courses and will be using their newly acquired knowledge at the workplace. Find out how it’s relevant to your job and how it will help you in future: When you first find out that you have to complete a training, you should look into its relevance to your job. One of the foremost reasons why employees hate online trainings is that they simply don’t know why they are doing it. Why would you want to do something that is not remotely connected to your job? So to keep yourself motivated, go through the content and see why it is related to your job and how you could utilize it in your job. For instance, you are in digital marketing, maybe the training assigned to you offers you insight into the new algorithm of Facebook. Knowing this you will be more interested to complete your training since it will help you daily at your workplace. So as soon as you login into your online training software, make sure you find out how it is important for your job. Reward yourself for successful completion: We are love to get rewarded and when it comes to your online training, once you complete it think about rewarding yourself. Taking time out of your daily hectic work routine and successfully completing a new training course by yourself deserves a reward. Stop the training, give yourself a few minutes break and come back to it later. The point is that you need to be motivated for a mandatory training course and visualizing a reward for yourself for completing it is a great motivator. If you are stuck ask for help: One of the reasons why people skip training or don’t complete it is when they are stuck in something difficult. Either they are too shy to ask for help or simply think its too much of a bother. But here’s the thing you can ask for help.   Simply write to your instructor or chat online with them directly through the online training software you are using. Instructors love to talk to trainees and offer insights and deep details that can help you overcome your challenges. It’s only natural to feel more motivated to complete a task when you know everything about it. So always ask for help to make sure your complete your training effectively. Focus on the present: When you look at online trainings, you come up with a variety of reasons why you shouldnt do them. Your workload, its relevance to your job and many other reasons pop up in your mind. Here’s the most important tip focus on the present. When you are assigned a training, it is for a reason. A training can be for compliance, new rules at your workplace or maybe a new skill that you will be needing in near future, so you have to be motivated to do it. So before you open the online training software, here’s what you need to do. First, declutter your mind focus only on the training content and nothing else. Get your cup of joe or tea allows you to focus better and lastly concentrate only on completing your training. Last thoughts As much as you hate them we all have to do them. These tips will definitely come in handy next time you have to complete an online training course. Author Bio: Ehsan Memari is a blogger for SkyPrep, a provider of leading online training software for organizations to train employees partners and customers. Ehsan is a regular contributor to blog posts related to knowledge sharing, LD, and eLearning. Follow him on Twitter @ehsanmemari.  Go to top Do you know what your next career step is?  Many people don’t. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my eBook on how to construct your Career SMART Goals â€" that will help you put together your actions and keep you accountable. Get your copy now and start your action plan today! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

Can You Learn Spanish Online

Can You Learn Spanish Online Easy Tools to Learn Spanish Online for Free ChaptersLearning Spanish on the Internet: A Reality!Websites for Learning to Speak SpanishA Private Spanish Tutor in your Pocket?Learn Spanish Online Free of Charge: Hello YouTube!There are lots of things that you need to know to become fluent in Spanish, but did you know that it’s possible to learn Spanish online easily?It's an option that differs from taking a Spanish course at a local Spanish language school. There are huge advantages of taking Spanish classes at such an institution (for example, spanish classes london). As a beginner you have a teacher on hand to guide your through the early stages and to answer your questions.But if you learn how to speak Spanish in this way then it is more regimented, and therefore often less flexible than learning this new language online.And this applies to any second language that you might want to learn, not just Spanish. So if you are eager to learn Portuguese, Chinese, Arabic, or Russian, then see what options there are for learning the language online!In the digital era of technology we are currently living in, it has become nearly impossible to live without a Smartphone, a tablet, or a computer!It is now possible to buy groceries from your laptop, to order your favourite sushi from your iPhone, and even to apply for a car registration without getting up from the comfort of your sofa.So why not take advantage of this to take Spanish lessons online?Indeed, the Internet is overflowing with sites and applications that are very useful for any new learner who want to study and master the Spanish language.And although the answering how long Spanish takes to learn  falls very much into a grey area due to the amount of different factors that affect individual people's ability to learn a foreign language, some websites and smartphone applications have been proven to help people rapidly progress in Spanish.Adaptable for all levels, from novices to intermediate level speakers, all the way through to masters, and available f or all budgets, these tools for learning languages online are getting better and better.Superprof has researched all the different online tools that will allow you speak Spanish. ¡ Olé ! TadeoSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AnnickSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors PeterSpanish Teacher £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LowriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (8) £90/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MartaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (6) £22/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors SharonSpanish Teacher 5.00 (2) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors TanyaSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Jose manuelSpanish Teacher £14/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsLearning Spanish on the Internet: A Reality!Above all else, using new technologies in the learning process is a real asset to facilitate learning in any subject or discipline, but especially in learning a foreign language.Rapidly assimilating a language can be fun. And what better way to take Spanish lessons than to use tools that incorporate games and that are accessible to the majority of people?But let’s return to the heart of the matter: Is it really possible to learn to speak Spanish online?Take advantage of new technologies to improve your Spanish!Indeed, we can ask ourselves whether we can really progress in Spanish or in any other subject outside of the classroom without the help of a private tutor.With technology, yes, but beware!Speaking Spanish isn't an easy task, especially if fluency is your aim. You will need to be dedicated to studying it in order to fully grasp the complex differences in terms of things such as the tenses, the role of the subjunctive, and the verb conjugations differ from English.Therefore, we advise you to beware of flashy promotional offers that certain sites promise. It is impossible, even with all the willpower in the world, to learn a foreign l anguage in only 30 days or even 45. A language immersion trip is your best bet for learning Spanish quickly, but even then this won't be enough time for you to master the language of Cervantes.Even if you take Spanish lessons in one of the many Spanish speaking countries around the world, such as Spain, Argentina, or Colombia, you will still need several months to become fluent.Fluently mastering Spanish, English, German, or Italian for example requires time, a lot of work and practice.It is impossible to give a precise amount of time, for we are all unfortunately unequal in terms of learning.Spanish lessons online will give you the important foundations of the language with an initiation to the Spanish grammar, alphabet, conjugation, and the language’s subtleties.Nevertheless, before becoming bilingual, you will certainly need to call on other services such as a private Spanish teacher, for despite the thorough and pedagogical programs on these sites, you will not be able to beco me completely bilingual simply by taking them.You will rapidly discover online, thanks to all the tools that exist, that Spanish is an easy language to learn!Websites for Learning to Speak SpanishThe Internet is full of tools for easily learning to speak Spanish.Some even allow you to study Spanish for free!Here is our choice of online Spanish courses.Learn Spanish Easily with Duolingo.comDuolingo is the most popular way to learn languages in the world, and it’s completely free to use. Most of the lessons take the form of quizzes that test your speaking, listening, and writing. As you start with basic Spanish, you will look at some elementary words and phrases, such as some nouns and adjectives.Duolingo is also available as an interactive app that you can use on your commute to work or while waiting at the doctor’s office. The app also has a great focus on verb conjugation and the rules of the Spanish language to help you learn the foundations. There are also translation tools o n the site.Improve your level of Spanish for free with DuolingoTo facilitate learning the Spanish language, nearly everything is gameified. There are also forums where you can interact with other users and Spanish-speakers.It’s a very useful tool, and on top of that it is free of charge, meaning that each person can enjoy learning the language of Cervantes.Continue your Spanish with Babbel.comBabbel  offers courses in 13 languages, including, of course, Spanish.This site is particularly good for those looking to learn conversational Spanish to prepare for an upcoming trip abroad or for a more contemporary immersion in the language. For those more interested in speaking than reading, Babbel might be the right choice for you.Babbel will allow you to rapidly assimilate the foundations of the Spanish language and also teach you current expressions.In addition to traditional lessons, you can also read in-depth discussions of particular grammatical aspects of Spanish, for those interest ed in linguistics.It is very useful for becoming conversational in Spanish, including learning the pronunciation and accent that are both integral to Spanish.In addition: Babbel has an app where you can easily review your vocabulary.Spanish Lessons Online with MemriseMemrise is a free language-learning website where online users help each other improve. The site also employs audio, visual, and memory activities and games to help you learn vocabulary, which is then tested in quizzes.If you struggle with remembering new vocabulary, Memrise is great because it works on the level of word association to ensure that you can easily recall concepts and definitions. Other users can also submit their own ideas for mnemonic devices that have helped them.Memrise encompasses a wide variety of lessons for speakers of all levels.There are still more sites for learning Spanish online. It is a matter of personal taste and goals as to which will be the right choice for you:RosettaStone.comVocbox.comL engalia.comEtc.You should be aware that by using this method, you are completely responsible for how quickly you progress. It will depend on how seriously you take the language earning process, and how much time you dedicate to it.A Private Spanish Tutor in your Pocket?Do you have your Smartphone with you? Why not take advantage of it to learn Spanish easily?For a few years now, a multitude of phone apps have sprung up promising that you can learn a foreign language directly from your Smartphone or tablet.With apps like Babbel, Duolingo, Busuu, and Memrise, you can easily learn Spanish anywhere with your phone!In the paid version of Babbel,  you can access all of the site’s content. Babbel has voice recognition technology to evaluate your pronunciation and punctuation. A plus that differentiates the application from books and classic Spanish textbooks. There is a vocal assistant that a great number of users find helpful, from beginners just starting out, to those already in great command of the language who can benefit from a deeper learning.Babbel also has another advantage that distinguishes it from other applications for learning Spanish. There is a multi-channel solution that allows you, once subscribed, to continue your Spanish lessons on different devises, switching between your phone, your tablet, and your laptop.All of these apps teach you a foreign language in the form of lessons and pedagogical exercises to review your vocabulary, spelling, conjugation, and Spanish grammar. Lessons, exercises, and tests are categorized by level and theme, allowing the full range of Spanish learners to easily use this technology.Take a quick break and review your Spanish!Imagine you want to learn Spanish with a Spanish teacher, and having that person available all the time and everywhere to help you perfect your language skills!You will also see rather quickly on these applications that Spanish and English words share many similarities! What's more, if you speak, or have ever studied, French, you will see that French and Spanish are similar in certain regards as well.How to study Spanish while also having fun?Applications like Duolingo believe that we learn when we have fun. And it’s a fact!Based on this, in addition to providing classic lessons to easily learn Spanish, you will find various exercises at the end of many lessons that structure the app to be like a video game. The concept is simple: if you fail the exercise, you lose a life!Your learning thus becomes a real game where you are congratulated after each stage. A playful way of motivating learners in their Spanish progress.The big advantage: Duolingo and many other apps don’t cost a penny, showing that learning Spanish for free is possible!Learn Spanish Online Free of Charge: Hello YouTube!When we talk about the Internet, we have to mention YouTube. Did you know that you can learn Spanish for free with this web tool?Aside from being a free Spanish resources, you can find a Spani sh class for pretty much anything that you find difficult!Indeed, there are a great number of videos devoted to learning Spanish in the form of lessons or quick tutorials created by Spanish-speaking professors.Work on your Spanish accent with YouTube videos!You will have to sort through the great number of videos to find those that are most pedagogical and comprehensible.A very useful tool for training your ear to Spanish pronunciation and for improving your accent.As you can see, it is easy to learn Spanish online. Numerous sites and applications are accessible to you no matter your level.To sum up, Spanish lessons online allow you to:Practise your Spanish vocabularyUnderstood Spanish grammar (irregular verbs, personal pronouns, negation…)Familiarise yourself with Spanish pronunciationTrain your brain to memorise and recognise with free, easy Spanish lessonsLearn more about Spanish linguistics and culture